Tuesday 30 August 2011

In the eye of the beholder

I gaze at you gazing at yourself
In the mirror that faithfully reflects
Your naked body

To you it is a little
Loose in parts
Maybe your belly too full?
Breasts, two hanging fruits,
Curvy thighs, as you turn
To contemplate your soft bottom -
Thinking in your head of that model,
Sculpted, honed and svelte.

I see him gazing too
Looking with eyes of love
At that warm body
His comfort and delight
Aroused as he looks upon
The beauteous form
Feasting on places where soft pleasures
Come flowing and gifts abound.

Can you not see what he sees?
Can you not see what I see he sees?
My anxious friend
Blushing in your modesty
You are beautiful simply
Because you are beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. *melts* Ohhh yes, this is the Jibey I remember fondly and have missed so dearly!
    Every woman struggles with her body image at some time or other... some MORE than others. I know that whenever that happens to me; I'm coming back here and reading this again. :)
