Tuesday 27 September 2011

Service with a smile

The driver of our hired minibus was a middle-aged man, plump and prosperous.  His bus was clearly well cared for; I noted especially that the tires were in good shape before I agree to hire it.

He waited patiently while the last of my teams turned up over an hour late.  Time is seen in a different light in Africa.  Things start when everyone is ready.  Soon he joined in their chatter, and the hilarity that so often keeps Africans cheerful.  At the police checkpoints, he chatted to the white-uniformed officers with characteristic courtesy, often exchanging a joke.  Life is tough enough here without being miserable too!

When we turned off the sealed road that leads to Kenya, we were on a stony rough way.  We shook and rattled on, sending up clouds of dust.  Then we turned off again onto a single track red dirt road.  Cyclists dismounted as we approached, women turned away, steadying the loads on their heads.

Across the fields of cassava and dry-looking maize, the countryside rolled out, punctuated by hills topped with outcrops of grey rock.  Thatched homesteads were gathered in little clusters, their dirt yards swept neatly, their women folk busy with daily chores, small children playing in the sunshine.

We turned off again, onto a narrow footpath that had never been made for vehicles.  The bus lurched and groaned, as the driver expertly manoevered around boulders and craters, sometimes scraping the bottom of the bus on a protruding rock.  Blue flowered sage-like plants scratched the sides, creating a pleasing fragrance as they were crushed and broken.

At last we came into a clearing where a group was awaiting our arrival, in front of a simple red-brick home with a corrugated iron roof.  It was an elevated location and, despite the heat of the sun, a pleasant breeze and some shady trees kept us comfortable.

The driver lay down on some grass on a piece of cloth he spread out.  Soon his snores formed a background to our meeting.  I was glad that by the time we left in the afternoon, he was refreshed and maintained his patience and good humour.  Some two hours later he delivered us to our guest house, dropping some of the team at other locations on the way.

I paid him more than he had asked a gesture of goodwill, but asked for a receipt.  It was then I discovered he could not read or write.  Someone else had to be called.  My contact in Musoma told me this was not unusual among successful businessmen she knew.  Nothing surprises me, especially in Africa.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy hearing about your travels, dear one!
    Your writing style puts the reader right in the center of the action.
    And you're so generous in permitting us to live vicariously through you in the process.
